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Individual Psychotherapy


Is your partner difficult to live with?

Want therapy just for yourself?

Want marriage counseling but your partner refuses?


Sometimes relationship conflicts are rooted in personal, individual problems that are best addressed without your other half present.


Maybe you and your spouse are locked into a dynamic of blame and defensiveness that is difficult to break out of together.  Or, maybe you know you are carrying left over wounds from earlier relationships, and you want the freedom to talk about those without your partner present.


Or, it could be that your personal anxiety or anger has nothing to do with your partner, but is spilling out onto your relationship.


Relationship are often the source of our greatest unhappiness. But it doesn't have to be that way.  Relationship coaching by phone, or individual therapy in my office can help.


The idea of getting therapy without your partner can bring up some concerns, such as:


  • is it a betrayal to talk behind his / her back?

  • will it make things worse if she / he finds out?

  • does getting therapy mean you're at fault?

  • could therapy lead to not being in love anymore? 


If you have these concerns, let's talk about them right away.


The fact is, there can be many reasons for getting psychotherapy for yourself.  You might want to heal old wounds, release current frustrations, or learn new skills for personal growth. And in the process, your relationships might improve more than you even thought possible.


A lifetime of happiness is at stake -- and I think you're worth it.  Don't you?


Give me a call and let’s get started

Roberta Gallagher, LCSW, LMFT
305 - 775 - 5101

Nothing improves by procrastinating

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