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Counseling  & Coaching for Older Adults

Are you thinking of yourself as an older adult?

Not sure anything can change at this point?

Wondering if it's too late for a new life?


Maybe you feel that your love life is behind you.  Perhaps you're widowed, and wishing for a little romance, but aren't sure how to get back into dating at this age.  


Could be that you and your spouse have become merely roommates, due to growing apart, a prolonged illness, or the changes of aging. The sparks don't fly anymore, and you're feeling somewhat alone in your marriage, and discontent. 


But you yearn to be one of those couples you see celebrating their 75th wedding anniversary who seem as much in love and excited about it as they were in their 20s.


I know that for many older adults, the idea of counseling was rarely considered when you were growing up.  Perhaps you were taught that people didn't air their dirty laundry in public, or discuss their hurts with strangers.  


I understand. And what I know to be true is that no matter what age you are, talking openly about what troubles you is good for your health.  Not only do suppressed feelings factor into physical ailments, but keeping things to yourself can built a wall in your relationships that prevents true intimacy, understanding, and help when needed.


You'll lose nothing by giving counseling a try. With more than 40 years of experience as a marriage and family therapist, I can assure you we'll take it at your pace.


Maybe you're having relationship trouble

with adult children, or feeling

estranged from your own parents?


When sandwiched in the middle, it can be a confusing and frustrating place to be. You give so much to others, you're exhausted and have little time for you own life.


Yet even the thought of finally following your own dreams makes you feel guilty.  At the least, frustration and resistance is building up in you.  You might even be starting to feel resentful about your role as constant caregiver when it seems you get so little back.


It may be time to set boundaries, renegotiate expectations and obligations, and gave a little breathing room for yourself.


I can help you do that, with grace and ease.


Give me a call and let’s get started this week


Roberta Gallagher, LCSW, LMFT

Don't wait another day to

improve your important relationships.


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