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Coaching sessions are also offered via

What's the difference between Coaching and Counseling?

Coaching addresses the actions you want to take for making permanent change. It addresses behavioral change rather than underlying psychological issues.


Relationship coaching can be done via Skype, and Roberta can work with individuals and couples outside of her home state.


Coaching for personal growth may not covered by health care insurance.

Couples counseling gets to the deeper wounds resulting in emotional instability and intensity. It also addresses faulty thinking that cause your behavior to be ineffective and counterproductive.


Couples counseling help you to heal the psychological obstacles that are contributing to the problems in your marriage. I am a licensed therapist in the state of Florida and can provide counseling via Skype or FaceTime to Florida residents.

Are you eligible for Relationship Coaching via Skype?

Coaching via Skype is best suited for people who have previously had some couples counseling or individual psychotherapy, and / or are somewhat skilled in:


  • listening carefully

  • managing emotions

  • arguing fairly

  • being unself-conscious on camera

  • keeping appointments 


even when done via online technology like Skype or FaceTime.  

For your safety and mine, Roberta cannot coach at a distance if you are currently engaged in substance abuse, domestic violence, or are having thoughts of harming yourself or others.  Roberta can refer you to licensed therapists for these struggles if need be.


If you believe you are eligible for coaching via Skype or FaceTime, contact Roberta to review the process with you.

What to Know about Relationship Coaching

In the long term marriage rut?

Feeling hurt or betrayed?

Lost the relationship spark, and want it back?

Asking yourself if it's worth the struggle?



Relationships are work  -- sometimes hard work! No one teaches you how to be a couple. And it’s common for the very things you thought were cute or attractive at the beginning to become uninteresting or annoying over time.


Relationships Research Says


Research into relationships brings up some startling statistics, such as: 


  • The long term psychological stress of feeling helpless to change a relationship can lead to serious health problems.


  • Failing relationships can cause depression and anxiety -- sometimes this is debilitating.


  • Intimate relationships are extremely important to a person’s sense of well-being.


  • As we age our sense of social connectedness is more important to our overall health than is diet or exercise.


  • Less than 5% of divorcing couples seek marital counseling. Dr. John Gottman has statistics that reveal the average couple waits six years before seeking help.


Couples counselors, marriage therapists, and relationship coaches agree that more couples can be helped if they seek help earlier, and if you wait too long to get counseling or coaching the odds are against you.


When couples who were once so in love start to bicker, go their own ways, develop separate lives, and lose touch with what brought you together in the first place, self-confidence, sense of well-being, inner peace fades.


These are replaced with fear, anxiety, and a sense of isolation.


What Every Marriage, Couple and
Partnership Needs to Succeed


Have you been thinking about couples counseling and relationship coaching?


Here is what you get in couples counseling and relationship coaching:


  • New skills for really listening to each other

  • Ways to understand what your partner needs and to express what you need

  • Courage to be vulnerable enough to really say what is on your mind.

  • Methods to identify your emotions

  • Techniques for keeping disagreements from becoming violent and hurtful

  • Negotiating for change

  • Resolving painful memories


Most importantly, you truly will get help if you learn how to change. First you must see your contribution to the problems in order to go from being a victim to feeling empowered.


Without relationship coaching or marriage counseling, you might be stuck in having heated arguments, and feeling wounded. Perhaps as a result you are not communicating as openly as you used to.


Maybe it’s feeling a little unsafe to be vulnerable with your partner right now. You anticipate that no matter how nicely you say what you need, your partner will be defensive. And that’s really putting a damper on what you want to share with each other, and even how much time you want to spend together.


You already know that this is bad for your relationship. You can feel the breakdown and you want to change things before they get worse. Something needs to be done, but you might not be sure what, or who to ask.


I urge you to try relationship repair.


  • Relationship coaching or couples counseling will help you:


  • Feel fully understood and valued


  • End the cheating, lying and infidelity (only if your partner is willing)


  • Have fewer arguments, improve your overall sense of well being


  • Stop fighting over money


  • Gain a return of your passion


  • Regain intimacy and affection


  • Recognize your partner’s love language


Either with your partner, or by yourself, working on your relationship is a smart thing to do. You’ll learn to identify what isn’t working, know exactly why, and gain new skills for making repairs


It is preferable for a couple to attend sessions together. However, I have worked with individuals who wanted to preserve their relationship and their partner would not attend. There is a tremendous power in one person changing to change the relationship. If you respond differently to situations, often so will your spouse.



Give me a call and let’s get started


Roberta Gallagher, LCSW, LMFT

305 - 775 - 5101


Nothing improves by procrastinating

Two Clients' Relationship Repair
Coaching Experience


Marvin came to me saying “I have been married 23 years and I love my wife. She has a very difficult personality and I want you to teach me how to deal with her quirks to preserve our marriage.” It took two years.


I ran into them a number of years later and he reported that they were very happy and were expecting their first grandchild. He was very clear that he did not want a divorce.


Another time I worked with a woman whose husband was very shy. He just could not express himself well. She was convinced that if he did not attend sessions with her they would divorce. I convinced her to give it 3 months attending on her own before she decided.


He did not become a big communicator but there was enough of a change that she was satisfied. In the course of counseling she came to appreciate him and to be grateful for who he was and not focus on who he was not.

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